My story list


a story in an alternative universe, similar to our own

A story of a mythical kingdom with problems similar to a kingdom here, which had its own solutions to problems of corrupch churches and treasonous brothers, and accidents of fate

After a battle and a siege, a new beginning

The castle of Zub Dracona

Now there is a peace, of sorts

Picking up the pieces and rebuilding despite suspicion and anger.

The dark castle

A Regency Romance

with a twist

Someone different in the attic

A woman of courage

Alternative history

How I think it should have played out

If only we hadn't voted for that guy

My Alternative time line

A response to Dead Souls

People doing down the river

Shortest and newest

Down the river

A second story with some of the same characters

around the end, and the aftermath

part II

Nashville and after

1632 fan fiction

the danish discussion

Just how far could they have gotten, really

a talk of many things

A procedural

This monster appears to many as a hero

The hero

A modern story

A squicky story


An escaped prisoner

A romance, of a sort

Escaping a prison to a harsher place

Rescue for rescue

more romances

The damsel in destress orders Sir Galahad around

a history which has a result

Now can she escape it...

Revenge served at .06 degrees Kelvin

what I have been reading lately

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